Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The progression of ego. calories, carbs, vitamins, and omega 3's

First scientists discovered calories and did a little science thus determining how many we needed to eat in order to live a long and healthy life. Then they discovered Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats, did a little science and determined how much we needed of each of these in order to live a long and healthy life. Not to long ago, they discovered vitamins and minerals in our food, they did a little science and determined how much of each of these we needed in order to live a long and healthy life. Most recently they have done things like differentiated good fats from bad fats, discovered phytochemicals, carotene, carotenoids and so on and sure enough they are doing a little science right now and soon enough we will know how much we need in order to live a long and healthy life.

They dont know! They may, never will! And the beauty of it all is that all the things they say we need, all the things that haven't figured out we need, and even some of the things that they may never learn we need are already there in real whole foods.

There is no need to make things so complicated. Eat real food!

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