Friday, January 14, 2011



All these blogs on living minimally have motivated me to adopt a simpler and more functional lifestyle. Over the last year I have begun to widdle away at the things I don’t use enough to merit owning. I started by eliminating anything I haven’t used in the past year like an old amp, some old speakers for my car from when I was 17, lots of clothes, and a bunch of other stuff that I don’t recall currently.

Then I decided to take it a step further and really get rid of things I don’t use regularly. So I donated a bunch of shoes and clothes to Goodwill and sold a bunch of camping stuff to friends and online. In the past 3 months (partly due to necessity) I have really gotten rid of anything I don’t use every week. I have also eliminated repeats for example. Extension cords who needs 5 pair, phone chargers, I don’t need all my old ones, pens, water bottles, knives, and most recently sleeping bags. Oh, on a side note Sammy has given away her collars and opted to keep the one that matches her coat. Good Girl!

Any way the fewer thing have made it much easier to decide what to wear, what to pack, and makes my room look much cleaner. As a result I find myself less anxious. Very Good! I have received some stereotypical rousing from some friends and family but that’s ok. All in all I feel better. I even have a new rule that says I can’t add repeats unless I eliminate something. SO for example if I see a shirt I want I can’t buy it unless I get rid of a shirt.

I recognize this is not for everyone, but the process and lifestyle brings me a lot of peace of mind and maybe it will do the same for you.

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