Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Milk does a body good. Or so they tell us. Wow there is so much to say on this subject that I dont know where to start.

1) How about we start with some science. From what I learned in school while studying nutrition, there is an enzyme in your body called Lactase. This enzyme is made to break down Lactose in your body and help turn it into energy. Lactose is the sugar that is found in milk. When you are a baby your body produces a lot of lactase because you are supposed to be surviving on a breast milk. However, as you age, your body stops producing lactase in such large quantities. Ask your self why! The reason is because your body wants you to stop drinking milk and start eating food.

2) Lactose intolerance which 95% of the Asian population has btw, is the bodies inability to digest lactose due to an insufficient amount of lactase. This is not a disease this happens intentionally! Its not some defect in the human genome. Simply put this is an example of our bodies telling us it doesn't want milk.

3) What is the purpose of milk? Have you ever wondered? Probably not....which I suppose makes you normal and me not. Regardless, milk is designed by nature to grow infants. It is a growth formula designed to provide the necessary nutrients and energy during the period in a creatures life that requires it to grow the fastest. I say creature because it is true for humans, goats, sheep, cows, and anything else with nipples. Now here's the kicker. We aren't drink human milk on a daily basis and they aren't recommending we do. Instead we find ourselves drinking cow milk primarily. Now I know this may be hard but think about that..... Cows! How big are cows? The answer is, much bigger than us. That should tell you that their milk is designed for them. So in reality, we are drinking milk designed to grow an animal that has a final weight of 1600lbs while we weigh 160lbs. Doesn't that sound crazy? Yes!

4) Milk has lots of nutrients in it because of what it is designed to do. However, we pasteurize and homogenize the shit out of milk in order to prevent salmonella and other bacterias from growing. The pasteurization process heats milk up to 161 to 280 depending on the type of pasteurization they use. This process kills off bacteria and what not but it also kills of nutrients. Many vitamins are not heat stable meaning they are destroyed in heat. What this unfortunately means is that by the time the milk makes it to your lips it is not the same thing nature designed, not nearly as nutrient rich. Many people would say that by the time you drink it, its mostly white sugar water.

5) Dairy is acidic. Your body wants to be neutral. This is a problem. The solution is to eat lots and lots and lots of vegetables as they are the only things other than baking soda that are alkaline. They also contain ample amounts of calcium, especially in leafy greens. The problem with acidity is osteoporosis which is an increased porosity of the bones due to a lack of calcium in them. Like I said the body wants to be in a neutral state and we are stuffing it with acidic dairy products. In order to balance itself out the body takes calcium from the bones and nitrogen from the muscles. Now if you think about that, what it means is that in order to prevent osteoporosis they recommend we drink milk because it has a lot of calcium in it. Unfortunately, it is a double edged sword because of how acidic it is.

6) We are the only animals that drink milk as adults and the only animals that drink the milk of another animal.

7) The USDA are the people who are supposed to recommend to us how to be healthy. They are the ones telling us to drink milk. Unfortunately, they have two functions that cause conflicts of interest. First they are supposed to recommend to the American people how to be healthy. Second they are supposed to support the interests of the agricultural industry which in this point most importantly includes the dairy industry. Don't you think that that could cause some trouble. Now here is another kicker, who do you think funds the studies that help them to conclude what things are and are not healthy? The answer is the meat, dairy, corn, wheat, soy and other big money groups who are veryyy persuasive.


If you are going to drink milk drink whole milk as it is less of science experiment and closer to the original way milk was designed. If you can get raw milk thats even better but its intense and you need to get it from a farmer whom you know and trust due to health risks. Milk is really good at growth because thats what it is designed for so if you are trying to gain weight and other methods have not worked, there is a technique called GOMAD Gallon Of Milk A Day. That's self explanatory and works really well. Milk does not do a body good and in all likely hood may actually do more harm than its worth. Milk is not what we drink, we drink something that was milk at one point.

Be smart about what you put in your body. You only get one.


  1. I like this - i will eat more kale... i have a question - if you cant drink whole milk and are trying to gain wt - what can you do? (monique is lactose intolerant)

  2. Gaining weight is a product of eating more calories than you burn. Now trying to figure out how many cals you burn is tedious and annoying. Instead, increase your fats through foods like red meat, nuts, avacados and seeds until your weight starts increasing.
